Thursday 3 February 2011

It's all about the refurbs...

In the world of street lighting, it's often the case that we look at removing the old lighting stock and replacing with a lovely shiny new installation.

This works for the majority of lighting schemes were the old equipment looks its age and is nothing more than an accident waiting to happen. Some existing lighting however is too good to just throw away and replace with the new stuff.

Take London for instance, its heritage and appeal comes mainly from how it looks and appears to the outside world. From the stunning new buildings popping up left, right and centre to the majestic and cherished buildings such as Buckingham Palace and St Paul's Cathedral.

Now, if either of these building were to start looking slightly down trodden, they would not be ripped down and replaced with a building akin to 'The Gerkin' as this would simply not work. Can the same be true for street lights?


The image above shows a scheme we have recently completed on Battersea bridge which involved the removal, refurbishment and re-instatement of the entire collection mounted on the bridge. The previous units contained a 70w high pressure sodium lamp, with an extra 11w compact fluorescent lamp to illuminate the top section. We removed this and installed a 45w Cosmopolis lamp to do the entire job.

So, not only does this scheme look great and keeps the essence of the history still, it performs well and saves energy.

For more information on this project and others like it, check out

As normal, I would love to hear your thoughts on any of the subjects covered... just leave any comments below.


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