Tuesday 4 January 2011

5 Fantastic Lights...

Firstly... Happy 2011 to all, lets hope it goes a bit better than last year!

So, on a recent trawl of the Internet, I stumbled across the following lighting products which I thought were too nice not to talk about...

Sometimes the most random of objects or ideas for products turn into the best finished items, which is certainly true for these.

All thanks must go to Trendhunter.com for these, a great website with so much on it you must check it out for yourself.

Anyway, on with the great lights...

1. The Teabag Light

A solar powered feature light which looks fantastic anywhere, included beach scenes apparantly!

2. The Rock 'n' Roll Light

An awesome take on the floor lamp which creates a scene reminiscent of the greatest festival moments.

3. The Alcoholics Choice

Recycling of used beer cans has really never looked better.

4. The Flying Bird

A modern style of lamp which takes one the form of a bird in flight.

And finally...

5. The Brown Paper Bag

An awesomely cool looking lamp based on such a simple idea.

So there we have it, a few little tit-bits for the new year to intrigue and inspire.


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